

Last updated: January 24, 2024

In December-January, I did quite a few things!

I ran OPTIC Boston, and it went pretty well. We ended up getting 68 competitors, and everyone had a blast. Our primary goals were “show growth” (the previous tournament in Boston had 32 competitors) and “be enjoyable” (the median response on the feedback form was a 9/10). All in all, pretty successful!

I also finished the content of this map of the prediction market and forecasting community (still gotta make it into an actual map, but that’s next up — hiring my friend Sadie to do the graphic design work).

I also also built a bunch of materials for forecasting clubs. See here for an future-proofed link to all of the resources, and here for the masterdoc, which is what I spent most of my time working on. Guides, templates, and a whole bunch of other goodies!

I also also also published a link collection for impact markets on my blog.

Some life stuff that happened in December-January: I turned 20 (!), my sister graduated college (!!), I skied for the first time, I celebrated Christmas with my (catholic) cousins, and I travelled through Boston, LA, Mammoth Mountain (ski trip!), Berkeley/SF, and Miami.


Last updated: Q1 2024

I’m an undergrad now, studying philosophy.

I would be a sophomore, but I decided to take a year off to run OPTIC and Manifest. They were really cool projects, on which I worked harder than anything else in my life. And I’m incredibly proud of them, more than anything else I’ve done. OPTIC is ongoing, and Manifest will (likely) be run again next year. You can read more about OPTIC, Manifest, and other projects here.

I’ve been travelling at breakneck speed since May 2023, spending an average of about a week at any one place before moving on. I spent some time in Europe and the UK, and the rest has been mostly split between Boston, the Bay Area, and Los Angeles, as well as a few short stints New York City, New Hampshire, Miami, and drives up and down the coast of California.

I started a blog, on which I write about the brass tacks: prediction markets, quotes I’ve collected, and multiple-choice tests, among other sundry things.